11+ Successful Living Tips better life

Do this task before the thirty years of your life are completed

 1) Be alone for at least one year-

 Living alone is very rewarding, first of all, you learn how to live a Self Dependent life, living alone teaches lessons that are impossible to learn in a classroom, the most important of which is fulfilling your basic Needs by yourself.  The ability to do what many people do not even learn until old age and spend all their lives helping others and others, work on pre-maternal moms and sisters, beggars and babies after marriage!
 Making small dishes yourself, washing your clothes, taking care of yourself, are common habits, but the role of these habits and scales is most important in self esteem and self esteem, once you learn all ages.  To be free from the Dependency of others,
 Although the 'service' of elders and elders is considered a blessing to us, remember that elders or elders who do not depend on others less or less at all (or juniors) are more than happy to work and support them.  Feel, however, that those who order the little ones for every small task, self-reliance enhances your respect and position among the people and people around you.

 2) Do your business at Little Indus-

 Before you reach the age of thirty, start a small business where you can learn the skills of customer dealing, public dealing, product sales, and people-to-consumer, investing and managing money.  You can open a small teaching academy in a room, shop online or become an agent even if you are capable of setting up a small stall, this experience benefits you greatly.  But a cash benefit will be that you discover yourself whether you have a job for your taste.  Doing more business or business, as well as the benefit of having unemployed days in life, you will not be disappointed with your business. This small business experience will help you in these difficult days.  And will respectfully spend time until the next job.

 3) Experience Something New Even Better Fails -

 Try new projects and taste life's failures and successes, you will be amazed that failure will teach you something that cannot teach you success!  Learn Lessons From Failure These are the lessons you will find useful in the 70s, 60s, 50s, 40s.

 4) Invest in habits.

 Our daily habits play the most important role in shaping our future, these are the habits that can drown the fringe of life and even the fleet, so investing in habits is the most successful investment, no mission in our life, no  Set vision and set small targets on a daily basis.  Good habits such as "restraint of prayer, study habits, exercise, etc. are habits that, if caught in life, are beneficial for all ages,
 Likewise, try to end bad habits, such as "smoking, unnecessary bloodshed, surfing on YouTube, social media and waste of time on all these habits.
 How to develop good habits and how to get rid of bad habits is also a science, learn!  It will be very beneficial!

 5) Complete education.

 Must complete at least a Masters education or a professional education before 30 years of age, because after 30 life does not give you opportunities for education, or at least continuing education afterwards is almost impossible.  So, try to shore up your educational career by 24/25 and if it is too late for some reason, complete it before the age of thirty, if it fails now then just regret it.  Will go

 6) Love.

 Whether you want to get married by love or get married is your choice, though not every senior will suggest you to love before marriage, the first reason is moral that in our religion it is unpleasant and the second reason is  That love marriages often fail, but if you are loving then the validity of this poem
 Don't explain to me that now you're done ..
 If love was advice ... ask you ..
 So don't delay in marriage now, love is a big deal and I am in favor of a senior love whether you do it (without crossing moral boundaries) before or after marriage, love is an emotion you focus on.  And sacrifice, it is such an interesting and attractive experience that even if you fail and benefit, you still know the benefit of succeeding, but the experience of failure in love can be broken by human beings.  And if your training is on the right lines then this breakdown can be useful in many ways, resulting in failure, your self-esteem and self-stemming.  Since it is badly affected, you dedicate yourself to a greater purpose in order to re-gain it.  Love is a big part of many people's success!

 7) Love your work.

 Many people will advise you to do the work you love, but it is less likely that people will have the opportunity to take up the job they love, why not do the work.  Got to learn to love Him too?  That's the realism and the time required!

 8) Study-
 I have written before about the study and often give my juniors the same advice that you study. It will broaden your horizons and make revolutionary changes in your thinking. It is a habit of spending half an hour on a daily basis.  Can be started from time to time and then continue to increase in interest, people who write books, sometimes it takes ten to ten years to write a book, as the knowledge to learn and to seize.  I devoted ten years to the author's life. You finish this book in three to four hundred pages in fifteen days and get that knowledge in a few days!

 9) Be proficient in any one craft.

 Polish any skill that you have the ability to be a goddess in, and get more skills, such as "Communication Skills, Computer Skills, No Languages, etc. All of these will benefit you all ages!

 10) SWOT Analysis.
 Wherever you do your SWOT Analysis, please search Google for details on what SWOT Analysis is, in particular "
 S = Strengths
 W = Weaknesses
 O = Opportunities
 T = Threats
 Learn your Strengths and learn how to overcome your Weaknesses with their help
 Opportunities Opportunities Available To You, Find Them And Overcome Threats.
 These ten tasks should be done in the 20s but if you are over 30, then nothing to worry about can be done later, but the same thing can happen.

from AIjaz Mahar Info https://ift.tt/36vfumV
via Read Complete